You can stop by the studio to pick up a donation request, download from the link below or email us and we’ll send you one. We ask for two weeks notice to process the application and build a perfect donation for you. Please complete the entire form. It is important for us to know if you need a basket or an item to add to a larger basket. Although we can’t donate to every event we do carefully consider every request.
Requests can be emailed to potteryplacebeckley@gmail.com
**** We do not take donation requests during November - December, please submit any donation requests for these months in October or earlier. Thank you! ******
Download a request form below.
Donations Days are a great way for LARGE groups to raise money. Any Non-Profit organization can participate. We design a flyer for you, you are responsible for handing them out. You can also post it too social media sites! The more flyers that are turned in the more you earn. Donation Days are held on your choice of day Monday - Thursday.
1-10 flyers = 5%
11-20 flyers = 10%
21-39 flyers = 15%
40+ flyers = 20%
Please complete the entire form. It is important for us to know if you need a basket or an item.
If your form does not automatically pop up once you've downloaded it, it should appear in your downloads folder.
The Pottery Place Beckley